
Not ONE but TWO coloring books are now ready for purchase!
Alphabet Friends and Christmas Friends
ABC Coloring Books

Check out an excerpt below.

Bizzy and B’s Freeze-Sweet

A story about two kids with superpowers that turn children behaving badly, nice.

This is Isabelle, who they call Bizzy.
She is super cute and keeps very busy,
Here is Brantley, who is also known as B.
He is bright-eyed and also very busy you see.
What keeps them so busy? I knew you’d want to know.
Well, they have a secret that I will tell and show.
I will tell you their secret if you have half an hour.
I will tell you all about their Freeze-Sweet superpower!
B has the freeze power. With the punch of his hand.
He can freeze anyone or anything, right where they stand.
With a flick of her finger and a blink of her eye,
Bizzy can use her sweet power to make sweets rain down from the sky.
You must wonder what things they can do with these powers.
What good can up from freezing and candy showers?
Now, listen real close because I won’t tell you twice.
About how this Freeze-Sweet superpower can turn mean people nice…….